SHED: The brave act of becoming who you are, authentically.

Embark on the journey of a breakthrough, to shed your tight skin of limitation!

The journey to transformation begins with awareness. When we unearth and embrace our gifts we are freed from carrying the imprint of the past.

Next level clarity awaits as you meet your truth, while sinking deeper into your inner knowing: WISDOM.

In the nurturing soil of self-discovery, we cultivate a transformation, enabling you to actualize higher states of personal growth and develop practical tools that empower your journey into the future.

This retreat is your opportunity for profound change and growth. Join us on a journey that will empower you to create the life you've always wanted.

Envision what is possible for you:

  • Reclaim Your Empowered Self -  Cultivate Embodied Wholeness: A deep, harmonious connection with oneself leads to greater well-being and fulfillment, bringing balance and self-acceptance for a more meaningful life.

  • Discover Renewal, Welcome the Warmth of Hope, Ignite Inspiration, and Foster Trust from Within: Live in, nurture & enhance your overall well-being, and face challenges with a sense of possibility and confidence.

  • Become a Part of a Nurturing Community Committed to Cultivating Deep Connections, Self-Healing, and Reverence for the Earth: By fostering a deeper sense of purpose, you actively contribute to forging a sustainable and harmonious connection with both yourself and the Earth.

  • Embrace Profound Transformation by Alchemizing Shadows into Medicine: Transforming challenges and adversity into wellsprings of resilience and personal growth can generate a spectrum of positive emotions.

  • Reconnect with Simplicity and Self-Compassion, acknowledging the enchanting magic that makes you uniquely you: Embracing your unique qualities and magic enhances self-awareness and fosters a more fulfilling and content life.

  • Experience a Deep Sense of Belonging as You Forge a Tangible Connection with Nature: A greater sense of harmony and wellbeing await you. 

  • Discover Your Inner Healer, recognizing your Power to Heal: Unleash your innate healing potential and foster a profound connection with your body's wisdom.

Spirit gives us signs when it’s time for us to grow, to uplevel from within.

You’re no stranger to inner growth and spiritual inquiry so you know how the universe can start giving us hints when we are on the precipice of our next chapter. These are signals that the energy is shifting and we are being called to expand and rise in a new way.

Perhaps you have been feeling some of these nudges from your soul lately. Some ways this can show up might have you feeling:

  • Afraid to be your authentic self, to fully express who you are

  • Self-doubt, resistance, and a lack of confidence

  • That you've outgrown the skin of your current life/situation

  • Isolated without a supportive community

  • Disconnected from Spirit and seeking a grander view of what is available to you

  • Physical or emotional pain & are no longer willing to tolerate it

Do any (or all) of these resonate for you? Even though these feelings may not always be comfortable when they are happening, they are actually positive signs that new and higher possibility is asking to be realized in you!

What if you could step into a powerful container of support that would not only help you, but accelerate your breakthrough? Help you both shed what is no longer resonant for this next level you, and truly embody your next higher aspects? If this is music to your heart and soul then you are in the right place and we can’t wait to embark on this journey with you!


Identify areas of limited awareness by shifting old patterns that have been getting in the way. Shed what no longer serves you, to awaken your true potential and purpose. 

Healing & Empowerment:

Honor the unveiled with compassion. Heal the past and allow the reclamation of your personal power and ability to overcome obstacles.

Embodying Authenticity:

Embrace your essence and unlock your destiny in an evolutionary awakening, with more confidence, awareness & clarity.

Divine Transformation:

“Being with” cultivates trust, which promotes integration. Step into LOVE & Nurture your hidden strengths and deeper understanding of your truth.  A more fulfilling, joyful, life of freedom awaits! 


We’re Kristy & Veronica, your co-leaders on this very special retreat journey.

Kristy Scott

Mystic, Medicine Woman, Medium, Holistic Mentor

In the realm of spirit, Kristy is known as "Spirit Weaver." Her role in this lifetime is to weave back the connection of all that is, embracing the ancient ways of being and living in reciprocity with all. She believes that connection is healing.

Her journey has been a return to the soul, where she recognized her sensitivities as her superpower. Learning to harness that gift, she cultivated deep connections and rediscovered the magic, both within herself, the Earth and in others. Her life long journey has been around shedding the illusion of separation and stepping into her divine essence.

  • As a child with heightened sensitivity, unique perceptual abilities, and a bone disease requiring braces at four, Kristy knew she was here to change perceptions. She often felt out of place and struggled with standing out. Overcoming these perceived limitations took decades. She notes that getting the braces off was a highlight but realized decades later that she was still 'held back' by that early experience. With the support of her grandmother, nature, and many incredible mentors, she finally broke free of what her body had been holding onto, transforming her challenges into sources of strength. Now, she lives to help others break free from their limitations too!

    Respecting the interconnectedness of all life, her work is grounded in a commitment to inclusivity, peace, and freedom for all. In a world marked by conflict and environmental degradation, her mission weaves together the importance of reconnection. It’s a journey where we unlearn the ways of the colonizer, heal ourselves, and stand together in love and support, while caring for our planet.

    Through Krystalline Earth Restorative Healing, she offers a profound belief in the transformative power of unconditional love and Eco-Somatics. Guiding individuals, groups and animals, she facilitates an evolutionary approach that restores harmony to the body, mind, and spirit through vibrational medicine, ceremony, plants, and ancient techniques, nurturing the Earth's innate balance within. This healing journey honors the sacredness of all life. Her aim is to reconnect you with the inherent magic that resides within you.

    Rooted in shamanic arts, somatic embodiment, intuitive body systems, vibrational medicine, Neuro Science, and family constellation work, Kristy’s holistic approach fosters well-being and empowerment by exploring the body's language and experiences. This deep exploration includes unraveling unconscious energy patterns and understanding how psychological difficulties are intertwined with larger patterns of emotional needs, wounds, and conflicts within the body and family.

    Kristy facilitates the creation of new neural pathways, guiding her clients through the integration process to form a new mosaic of life. Often spanning across multiple generations, these patterns are revealed through the constellation, acting as an oracle of insight and healing.

    With over twenty-five years of dedicated soul work and healing, and a lifetime of spirit connection, she offers a unique approach and serves as a bridge between the seen and unseen realms. Kristy has guided individuals, spirits, the land, families, animals, healers, transformational coaches, and Clinical Social workers toward greater understanding, connection, remembrance, and renewal.

    Besides the Earth and her animals as her greatest teachers, her qualifications include certifications in Sourced Leadership, Sourced Retreat Master, Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Practitioner, Shamanic Practitioner, Herbalism, Plant Spirit Medicine, Lymphatic Mojo, Emotional Freedom Technique, Death Doula, NeuroScience, and various energy and holistic healing modalities. Her greatest accomplishment and teachings came from the profound experience of being a mother to her rising son, Tanner.

    It is Kristy’s deepest honor to support you as you step into your power and embrace a life of love, peace, and freedom.

Veronica Wirth

Intuitive Channel, Shamanic Guide, Business Visionary, Best-Selling Author

On a spiritual journey since her youth, Veronica experienced powerful awakenings through her 20s and 30s. In January of 2000 she began receiving channeled guidance from her wise circle of guides and teachers. Kept private until a few years ago, she now actively brings her mystical gifts forward to guide both her life and work.

It wasn’t always this way. She used to be terrified of being seen and judged negatively for her spiritual gifts. Until one day…

  • “REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE!” An unseen voice yelled right into my left ear. I felt him rush at me as he uttered the words, his voice benevolent but firm and with unmistakable urgency. In the same flash I saw him as clear as day. He felt clearly native American to me, his face painted half black and half white. It took me a moment to recognize him. Decades ago he had come to me in a powerful meditation. It had happened only once and it had affected me deeply, it had left a very sacred, powerful and emotional mark. Here he was once more, it seemed, a messenger sent to wake me up. Was he a guide, an ancestor, maybe even a long forgotten part of me? It didn’t matter. My soul stirred with recognition of his message “Remember Who. You. Are!”. Tears of deep knowing and gratitude began to flow. I let them come.

    That moment began a new chapter for me. The journey of stepping into ALL of who I am.“

    The process of bringing this more intimate and sacred side of her forward and actually speaking about it and even leading with it, continues to be one of the most challenging things Veronica has ever done. This path has presented her with constant opportunities to face her deepest fears and blocks head on. In so doing she’s grown and blossomed beyond what she thought she was capable of.

    Veronica is masterful at working with energy and creating potent, sacred space in which true alchemy can take place for those in it. When people are in her energy they have unique access to, and acceleration of, inspiration, ideas, vision, and expansion that would not be brought forward in any other space.

    She can see what’s possible and the energy of what is present in her clients’ energy fields. What their soul is wanting them to know.

    Veronica sees highly detailed visions for her clients’ businesses and brands. a well as the patterns of how energy is flowing in them and their, circumstances, ideas and states of consciousness.

    She receives clear, spontaneous, intuitive and channeled guidance. She is a facilitator of galactic and sourced sound, light healing and transformation.

    Veronica channels energy and sound in a way that activates others’ energy and circuitry and allows them to access higher frequencies that facilitate an energetic upgrade. Her clients feel and see amazing energy shifts in their lives from this powerful work together.

Who we are together

We’ve both experienced the struggle of being held back from living our fullest authenticity and the challenge of letting go of limitations. Our own shedding journeys have brought us to a place of true freedom and self-discovery, where we can fully embrace and express who we are. That's what prompted us to create the SHED Retreat.

We are Ancient Alchemists. We’ve walked spiritual paths for most of our lives, and have partnered on a unique journey that spans nearly a decade and continues to this day.  In our collaborative space, magic unfolds in ways that are both profound and transformative. We create a field where alchemy happens slowly and with great intention, reducing down until it reaches a concentrated essence, potent enough to change everything with just a drop.

The container we build together is expansive yet intimate, designed to embrace the richness and depth of our work. It's a space that welcomes the visceral experience of being on the land, where energy flows from the earth and through us, weaving its way into the very fabric of our alchemy. This slow and steady process unlocks new realms of possibility, where even a single magical teaspoon of our concentrated magic has the power to change lives.

Our work is a sacred ritual, where the process itself is as important as the outcome. It allows us to access deeper aspects of spirit and soul, drawing them into the body to be held, integrated, and ultimately kept. The richness of this journey is palpable, offering a real felt sense of the spirit that touches the core of our being.

Through this co-created alchemy, we invite you into a space where time and space converge, where every moment is an opportunity for profound transformation. It's not just about what we create; it's about what you take away, and how that small piece of our magic can expand into something much greater. To access this depth, one must be ready—both in body and spirit—to hold the alchemical energy that flows through us. This is the essence of our journey, and we welcome you to join us in exploring the boundless possibilities it offers.

SHED is for you if you want to:

Break free from expectations & limitations; unveil your authentic path.

Dance with authenticity; reveal your  brilliance.

Transform doubt into self-discovery & emerge with confidence.

Gracefully shed the old; embrace transformative energy.

Join a community of kindred spirits & feel the deep love of belonging

Elevate your perspective & embrace connection with Nature

Release pain; embrace healing and joy on this retreat.

Using our shamanic healing arts & a holistic approach through somatic embodiment we will help you integrate the vibrational medicine of earth and nature.

You will experience vibrational healing through drumming and sound and grow a new appreciation for flower power to better understand the aspects of ourselves just waiting to be uncovered. Feel the energy, and harness it into action with new understanding, shaping thoughts, feelings, and outcomes. Embrace change, walk in truth, and thrive by following what feels alive.

Prepare to be reunited with your soul, by threading back in the connection of Kristy’s groundbreaking method of Eco SOMA™. Eco-somatics acknowledges the profound interconnection between the human body and the environment, recognizing that our well-being is intricately woven into the health of the ecosystems we are part of.

Prepare to receive direct wisdom, light language, and profound energy activations through Veronica’s channeling of the ancestors, the spirits of this sacred land, and her star guides, the Council of Wisdom.

This only some of what is available to you when you join us for the SHED retreat!

Join us for 4-1/2 magical days in Sedona, Arizona.

October 16-20, 2024.

This inspired heart centered adventure is brimming with red rock earth healing and energy vortex experiences to integrate the body with the mind and spirit. You are closer to spirit that you ever thought possible here!

Over the 4 1/2 days we will use our shamanic practices and healing gifts to teach you how to use somatic and embodied practices to explore movement patterns, release tension & holding patterns, develop greater body awareness, integration and mindfulness that aim to deepen our connection with the Earth and foster ecological consciousness. How we live is how we tune into the earth and this brings positive change in your life by bringing in the most incredible unconditional love that you are so deserving of. You will feel refreshed, more aligned and balanced. 

The Union

We're not just co-creating with Spirit and co-creating with Earth, but we are also co-creating very specifically with that area, that land and all that it holds.

The Bridge

The gifts of snake energy are very much connected to the Earth, but she is also a star being,  the perfect ally for this work. Snake casts her eyes upward, becoming crystalline and starlight. In this union you carry the wisdom of both realms, effortlessly easily, the deep wisdom, the knowing from both realms. This is one of the beautiful qualities of you as humans with a body on the earth is that you ride with holding both of these worlds, both of these realms.

The Conduit

In essence, you become the channel through which cosmic and earthly energies harmoniously intersect, facilitating a profound connection with both realms.

The Jewel

There’s a cellular restructuring that's going to happen-redefining on a cellular level what it means to go into your own shadow.

What unfolds…


Arrival. We break bread together and get further acquainted as we open this sacred container and step into the rarified energy of the retreat. Get ready! It’s time to call in intentions.


And so it begins! We open the circle and, together, become prepared for the deeper work to come. What is calling for change, for upliftment, for healing within us? What are you ready to shed? AND…we will tap into the power of tonight’s full moon with channeled light activations and a fabulous drum circle!


Today we embark on a powerful Snake Spirit Invocation, summoning the wisdom of the snake to honor the call to shed your outgrown skin. In this sacred quest, you’ll be guided through creative and somatic movement experiences to foster your intuition, self-awareness, trust, and deep connection with nature. You will open up the space to then fully embrace your true self, and usher in a new level of authentic self-expression.


A sacred vortex outing is in order! The ancient land of Sedona called us to host this retreat here for a reason. The energies of this land hold the perfect vibrational signature to help us anchor and ground into the big shifts we created yesterday. Today step into a very special co-creation with Spirit and Earth through exploration and connecting with the powerful energies, elementals and ancestors of the land in this area. What messages will they share, what ancient wisdom will they bestow?


Gathering for the final time, we reflect, assimilate, integrate all that we have opened up and transmuted. We will never be the same. We prepare for re-entry to allow us to maintain this new reality we have birthed for ourselves.

Answer the call to remember Who You Are. Embrace the Sacred. Shed!

Transform with us in stunning Sedona!

Located on the banks of the creek in spectacular Oak Creek Canyon, Junipine Resort is a place for those who are led by their wanderlust beyond the beaten path. An idyllic creekside hideaway, Junipine Resort offers beautifully appointed creek homes with wood-burning fireplaces and stunning outdoor decks in a tranquil forest setting. Just eight miles from shops, restaurants, and art galleries, discover a nature lover's haven with a world of outdoor adventure at one of the best resorts in Sedona, Arizona.

Nestled within the timeless embrace of the Evergreens, the land will hold us as our sacred setting embodies the essence of immortality and eternal life, thriving and adapting across diverse landscapes. Here, the juniper trees remind us of the profound importance of rooting down to establish boundaries, standing firm as sentinels of renewal, rejuvenation, and healing. This is a place where we can become whole once more. The iconic pine trees, with their divine spark, symbolize rebirth, renewal, and the promise of a bright future. They stand as venerable guardians of wisdom, longevity, and peace, illuminating the heart of our serene sanctuary.

Offering the ultimate in quiet comfort and nature-inspired design, each of the one-of-a-kind forest homes combines luxurious amenities with touches of stone, wood, and warm earth tones, complete with the charm of a crackling fireplace and woodland surroundings.

An idyllic creekside hideaway, Junipine offers beautifully appointed forest homes with wood-burning fireplaces, a dining area with fully stocked kitchen, large living room and stunning outdoor decks in a tranquil forest setting.

Secluded Forest Homes:

Each spacious forest home features: two bedrooms, two bathrooms (king bed is a private room with fireplace & the second bedroom has two queen beds) all rooms connect into a ensuite with fireplace, large living room and full kitchen and private deck.

All Forest Homes include:

Free Wi-Fi, Satellite TV, Complimentary DVD Library, Outdoor decks, Full Kitchens, Two wood-burning fireplaces, Daily complimentary firewood


Junipine Resort offers an intimate restaurant with views of Oak Creek Canyon. Offering a canyon casual dining experience with a cozy ambiance, The Table at Junipine offers seasonal comfort food favorites on the leafy banks of Oak Creek. Gluten-free and food sensitivity options are available. Soak up the tranquil forest setting on the laid-back outdoor patio. 

Included in your retreat price:

  • Your lodging for four nights, October 16-19, 2024.

  • Special vortex outing!

  • Daily lunches throughout the retreat.

  • You’ll also be our guest for a wonderful welcome dinner on the evening of October 16 to get to know one another and kick off our journey together!

Of Note:

  • We will assign rooms when you register, private bedrooms first, then shared rooms. Earliest registrants will get priority so if you are set on a private room, make sure to sign up soon!

  • You are responsible for all your travel to and from the resort (more details are in the FAQ section below).


  • Pre-retreat Energy Activation Call. We’ll gather as a group on Zoom a week or so before departing to align with the resonance of our container through channeled light activation and sacred ceremony. This will open us to the higher frequencies and connect with our guides.

Your investment for this truly magical experience:



Want even more goodness? When you pay in full before June 14, 2024 you’ll also receive:

  • a Free Flower Consultation session with Kristy, which includes a flower essence package to get you focused and in aligned action for your life changing journey. 

  • a Free Spirit Guide session with Veronica. Connect with your guides and access deeper insights to prepare you for your transformational journey.


Are you ready to go deeper?

Supercharge your retreat experience with this amazing opportunity to coach with both Kristy and Veronica leading up to the retreat! Your transformation starts the moment you sign up for this retreat, which means the energy of this experience is already working for you from this moment forward. Why not harness the power of this container in a truly active and intentional way by receiving perfectly calibrated support during this potent time?

If this is feeling alive for you and you’re feeling the nudge to start now, say yes now to this intensive approach that will magically guide you on the path leading up to the retreat! 

The Expansion Upgrade includes:

  • Everything included in the regular retreat price PLUS

  • 3 (three) 1-hour Magic Sessions with Kristy

  • 3 (three) 1-hour Magic Sessions with Veronica 

  • 1 (one) 1-hour joint Magic Session with both Kristy and Veronica

SHED Retreat with the Expansion Upgrade is $5555


  • Our welcome dinner on the 16th and all lunches are included. You are responsible for all other meals. Your cabin has a full kitchen and the on-site Junipine restaurant will be open during the whole retreat as well to cater to your culinary desires.

    There are also many surrounding restaurant options available close by. A full list will be available to those who sign up.

  • No! Not at all. The chef at Junipine is ready to cater to whatever dietary needs arise. Also, each Creek Cabin has a fully appointed kitchen and there is a good health food store close by that delivers, so you can get and prepare any additional items you wish.

  • While we can all appreciate the occasional glass of wine, this retreat is a sober event. Because we will be embarking on deep spiritual work in an intimate group, we want to create the safest space possible where everyone’s energy is as clear and high-vibrational as possible. To that end, we appreciate you honoring no alcohol or other mind-altering substances.

  • Phoenix International is the major airport hub, while Flagstaff is also an option being the closest.

  • Groome Transportation is a shuttle service that of offers rides to and from airports (Phoenix, Flagstaff and Prescott). Groome

    There are also rental car options and Lyft/Uber.

    Enterprise Rental (Sedona)

  • We stand powerfully for your “soul yes” and claiming this truth for yourself. Your retreat fee is non-refundable. It can, however, be held as a credit to put it toward other work with us.

Come join us for SHED!!